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My Neighbor Al

 Al is my neighbor. He's an older dude that is super cool. 

I need to take a step back. I've lived on this floor of my building forever and Al has been my neighbor forever. I mean forever, I've lived here since I was 1. 

When I was younger, Al was the cool dude on the fancy bike, a Cannondale I think. 

Then Al was the cool dude on the electric skateboard. He would take that skateboard and carve up and down the street. He was that guy with the long dreads and the skateboard. I was always in awe of him. Free and living life the way he wanted. Never going by the rules, always being himself. 

Today, Al is still my neighbor. Actually, he is my friend, more like my long lost uncle. He is the kindest man I know. Al is still super cool but he doesn't move like he once did. He has a limp. He aches. 

But he still rides. 

Today we went to Costco. It seems like a simple thing but it's a bit more. It's time. It's time spent with a friend that is family. 

Al is getting older. I tease him about it but it really stinks. 

I remember when his dad was alive.  I was little and I would see Mr. Long walk slowly up and down the hallway. 

Now Al is Mr. Long.


  1. You are fortunate to have a neighbour and friend in Al. You have community within your building which is precious.

  2. That is impressive that you have this incredible relationship....what a treasure.

  3. To have that life long friend is the gift that truly keeps on giving. I can imagine the knowledge and "coolness" he's imparted to you over the years. What a treasure to have in your life! :)

    Thank you for sharing a little bit of Al with us today! :)


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