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Day 11: Some days are not so easy

I'm exhausted.  My eyeballs feel heavy.  The thought of zoom was hard.  And I'm not sure why today is different from other days. 

I got up at the normal time. I had breakfast, blueberries and yogurt. Everything was the same except sunshine and warmth. 

Today was sunny and warm, 70 degrees. 

And I was inside:

Monitoring zoom
Answering calls 
Staring at a screen 
Attending meetings 

I took my book and sat in my balcony in-between calls.  
The sun felt amazing for those 20 minutes.  


  1. Some days are harder than others....and they are all hard these days. The sun will do us all some good.

  2. Zoom breaks, whenever they come, are so important. Our zooms were in our sunroom, and just being able to close the computer, close my eyes, and just feel the warmth was such a positive! :)

    Bella looks like she's enjoy the sun too!

    Thanks for sharing with us today!


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